Braden Perry Discusses Email Discretion with

Kennyhertz Perry Partner Braden Perry was recently interviewed by about the timely issue of email discretion. Perry, a cybersecurity attorney who trains companies in email usage and emerging technological topics, provided the following advice: Communicate what you need to communicate, and only that. Leave sarcasm and jokes for the water cooler.

“You should always think that any email you write could be published on page one for all to read,” he says. “Ask yourself: Is it necessary to write? Or can I call and provide the same information?”

As a former federal enforcement attorney, Perry knows the dangers of errant emails. Frequently, an email would be the smoking gun necessary for prosecution.

Kennyhertz Perry Named Best Securities Law Firm

Kennyhertz Perry Named Best Securities Law Firm

Investor Review Magazine have announced the winners of the 2016 Single Manager Awards and have named Kennyhertz Perry as the Best Securities Law Firm.

As diversification becomes the investment industry watchword many single manager funds are being overlooked, despite the numerous advantages including reduced fees, elimination of netting risk and the focus on specific investments or strategies, which can be useful for those looking to invest exclusively in one type of product eg. ethical investments.

Expert Witness Services

In today’s complex litigation, the need for a financial or regulatory expert is becoming increasing more frequent. Former CFTC Senior Trial Attorney Braden Perry and former Kansas Securities Commissioner Marc

FCPA Due Diligence

Companies can now avoid FCPA prosecution by instituting an effective, functioning compliance program. Routine FCPA Due Diligence is a critical component in maintaining a FCPA compliance program. Experienced, and attuned to details,