Perry Shares Expertise on Prisons Recording Attorney-Client Conversations
Braden Perry shares his opinion on prisons recording client-attorney conversations in Kansas and Missouri, in Kansas City Business Journal article.
“The evidence of prison facilities recording confidential conversations between attorneys and their clients is attracting the attention of defense attorneys all over the region, said Braden Perry of Kennyhertz Perry LLC in Kansas City. He’s not working this particular case, but he has been appointed to Criminal Justice Act panels and is occasionally appointed to represent indigent defendants in federal criminal matters.
“Apparently, CCA Leavenworth — and now it appears other facilities — have been recording jail-house visits between federal public defenders/Criminal Justice Act attorneys and their clients, without our knowledge,” Perry said. “At least once they turned these videos over to the U.S. Attorney’s office and prosecutors in charge of the case. This is extremely troubling from a constitutional perspective, and flies in the face of an individual’s right to counsel.”
Full article available here: https://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/news/2016/08/11/kansas-federal-court-judge-prison-conversations.html
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